Wine has a luscious and cultured history. For over 7000 years, we’ve been farming, fermenting, and drinking various delicious, sophisticated vin du pays.
But don’t we deserve better than our neolithic ancestors? In our modern age, wine is so much more than just a boozy drink. And Water Canyon Winery is much more than just a place where grapes are grown. They are both an experience and should be treated as such.
Shane and Kalie Tooke, the winemakers at Water Canyon Winery, are passionate about sharing that experience with you.
Having the vineyard since 2018, they understand how difficult it can be to break away from our fast-paced lives to embrace the beauty around us in the modern world.
Water Canyon Resort was carved out as a space and a sanctuary that encourages our guests to reconnect with nature. Breathtaking National Parks and Hildale, Utah’s unique red rock landscapes, surround their luxury cabins. Plus, Water Canyon Winery hosts various events throughout the year, including tastings, live music, and food pairings.
Water Canyon Winery is excited to offer lodging on the vineyard in 2024. You can stay in the airstream, with gardens, fire pits, hot tubs, and incredible views. Or stay in the luxury Rustic loft above the Winery, private yard, Fire pits, hot tub, views, and more. The Winery Cafe will also be opening in the spring of 2024. Water Canyon RV Park will open in spring 2024 with 58 units, full hookups, clean bathrooms, showers, and laundry rooms.
But there is something other than the habitation that will draw you to Water Canyon Winery, or at least, there should be. It is, after all, right in its name, a Winery.
And the quality of the wine is beyond reproach. No matter the vintage, each bottle of wine from Water Canyon Winery was so fruit-forward and clean. You could truly taste the grape variety.
That is because they are the only Natural Winemakers in the state.
Natural wine differs from conventional wines in many things. The only ingredient in Water Canyon Winery’s wines is grapes—no added sulfites, enzymes, additives, or preservatives.
Fermented using native, wild yeast that grows on the grapes, which leaves a wine entirely natural, a process you can taste in every bottle, glass, or sip.
That is what is so exciting about this style of wine.
It’s like drinking precisely what nature gives you. In 2022, there is a particular wine still “on the menu” for tastings called Mystical Golden Muscat, which was a favorite—a playful and fun orange wine with a twist of sophistication.
It’s the type of wine that’s equal parts personality and perspective, and it will leave you questioning what you are experiencing and wanting another sip.
Everything down to the label is handcrafted with care, attention, and craftsmanship. Yes, that’s right, even the label is unique, just like the beloved old-world style of vintage wines. Being natural winemakers, Shane and Kalies chose to follow the old-world style. Working with a gentleman from Italy who designs wine labels, he based the design directly from photos of the views you can expect from the vineyard and old farm truck, and after a couple of proofs, it is an unforgettable label.
And if you stay for a bit, you get to experience that; they offer tastings on-site, at weddings, and private parties. Or host that wedding or party right here! That’s the best part about having an on-site event space that holds up to 200 people. No wonder they were voted “best Southern Utah party place.”
So come, visit, and relax. Enjoy a good time and wine, and treat yourself to this unique experience.
(435) 229-4747
1050 Field Ave, Hildale, UT 84784