Author: Zak Lodhi

The human brain is a wonder. Through folds of tissue and pulses of electricity, it lets us perceive, attempt to understand and shape the world around us. As science rapidly charts the brain’s complex structures, new discoveries are revealing the biology of how the mind functions and fails. Given the centrality of the brain to human health, its malfunctions should be a priority, separated from stigma, and treated on par with the diseases of the body. We aren’t there yet, but the transformation is underway. The NARBHA Institute, founded in 1967, has been at the forefront of this emotional and mental fight.
Founded initially to conduct community programs, research, treatment, and services in the mental health field, NARBHA became a managed care entity and served as a state-contracted Regional Behavioral Health Authority for several decades. In 2015, NARBHA developed a partnership with Health Choice Arizona, now a part of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, to implement the integration of physical and behavioral health and community reinvestment. Anchored on NARBHA’s legacy, The Institute shares its retained funds and comprehensive resources to illuminate and strengthen health equity. In addition, NARBHA seeks to organize influence and funds to enhance well-being in northern Arizona through its Strategic Initiatives.
We look at emerging trends and innovative solutions, remaining in continuous discovery and sparking catalytic engagement to inform, transform, and collaborate for meaningful wellness in the communities they serve.
NARBHA initiatives focus on many different things, but pervasive concepts of well-being and health are at the forefront of their institute. The NARBHA Institute embraces imagination, builds capacity, and inspires innovative solutions by leveraging resources and serving as a catalyst to promote an ecosystem of health, safety, and resiliency. Because Northern Arizona’s health challenges are complex. They are both a cause and consequence of multiple social and environmental factors, including mental illness, poverty, housing, educational shortfalls, employment opportunities, safety, food security, and health disparities. These are just a few of the things that NARBHA has been focused on.